The best wedding photography packages in Maui include the pictures that matter most to the bride and groom and the kinds of prints that the bride and groom most want. As these shots and prints vary from person to person, there is no one “best package” but the best packages do tend to have some basic things in common.
First, they include a wide range of shots. The best Maui wedding photography packages allow the bride and groom to get pictures from before the ceremony, during the ceremony, and during the reception. Additionally, the best wedding photography packages include shots of the wedding party and members of the bride and groom's families, in various groupings to ensure that no one is left out.
Second, the pictures themselves must be well done. This means that the bride and the groom both look their best in any pictures that are taken. The lighting and composition of the pictures should be well done, and when the bride and groom look at their pictures they should be happy with the finished product. The best Maui wedding photography packages create joy for the bride and groom.